Sunday, July 24, 2011

The Importance of Family

Words cannot express the importance of family, and I can't say it enough. After being able to see some of my extended family that I don't ever see unless at wedings, funerals and showers, I truley realized how important it is to cherish your family, and the time that you spend with them.

It all goes way back to my family in Greece. My grandmotherand her family were both very distant from eachother. Especially because she married a Greek man (she was masadonian). Then everybody started to move to Canada. My grandfather had come up with his family, and at the same time, his sister came up with hers, and his brother with his. They al began to add more to their families since the move. My grandmother on the other hand never really kept in touch with her family back home. Eventually some of her family had come up to Canada, they could even live down the street from one another and they would never talk! My grandfather still calls his brother and sister in Greece everyday to keep in touch.

As their families grew up and soon started to create their own families (starting with my birth!) they had grown farther apart. My grandfather still met up often with his brother and sister, and even his mother when she moved up to Canada. I guess when I became a toddler none of teh cousins had really seen eachother. For the most part I had just seen my dad's 2 brothers and my grandparents, and from occasion, my great aunt and my great grandmother. As I mentioned earlier, we only really see the extended family on my dad's side at funerals, weddings and showers. It's a shame we don't ever see eachother outside of a church or a reception hall or restaraunt.

Then you look at my mom's side, where we see eachother all the time! She grew up with a group of her first cousins from both sides (two brothers maried to sisters) who were like her brothers, she had 3 sisters. When I was young and they were all in their early 20's they'd get together a couple of times a week to catch up and spend time with eachother. I think that's great! Sure they don't spend much time together nowbecause once they started having babies they had a new priority-understandable. They go on trips together, we go camping together and we always see eachother for big celebrations! But they always pick up the phone and say hello, or email. My dad's side is not like that at all, except for with his immediate family.

Ryan and his family are all extremley close! He's the youngest of 9, with only 1 brother 15 months older than him. He and his sisters call eachother at least once a week, he talks to his parents everyday, adn his brother all the time! He still see's his cousins from time to time, and is always making an effort to see them whenever possible. What is really nice to see though, is that Ryan really makes an effort to be close to all of his nieces and nephews, all 13! The kids love him, and consider him the cool uncle, and I am glad that I can be apart of such a big/close family! All of his nieces and nephews were extremly welcoming to me, and treat me like I've been around for their whole lives, which for some-I haven't.

And a close family is what I strive for! I know that I don't live at home anymore with my mom, dad, brother and sister, but I always try to get out as much as I can. I love my family to death and I would do anything for them! Even with such a big age difference with my sister (11 year difference) and brother (13 year difference), I make it a priority to be the best older sister that I can, and to be as close to them as possible! They were both in my bridal party at my wedding! (Oh my God my brother was the cutest thing on my wedding in his suit!).

It's important to me to be close to them, and to let them know that even thought I'm out on my own with a husband, that they should never be afraid to come over, or call. Heck-my brother calls Ryan all the time to talk! Besides, Ryan is his brother now (haha!). And for Ryan to be so close to them means the world to me. And for being almost 28, he sure can act like a kid sometimes! I'm even glad that he get's along with my family and vise versa. I also want to be there for my little cousins, and be around with them to see them grow up, like I would've if we were closer in age.

So my point of this blog is; stick with your family, their all you got and you need to cherish your time with them! You never know what's around the corner. You don't want to have a distant relationship with your family. You should stay in touch as best you can. Sure people come and go, or change, at least make the effort, and if they don't put the effort in, at least you gave it a try! When my aunt was dying of cancer, my mom went to the hospital every single day to spend time with her, even with young toddlers at home, because she knew that time was limited. My great uncle told me today, "I made a mistake for being so distant with my family for all these years. I should've gone and visited or phoned but I never did. And now that we're all getting up there and everyones passing away, it is my biggest regret." Thos words wil forever stay with me. I don't want that in the future.

Life is short, break tghe rules, forgive quickly, kiss slowly, love truley, laugh uncontrollably and never regreat anything that made you smile. Make memories and cherish them! Family is forever,

Brittany xoxoxoxo ♥

Friday, July 22, 2011

Reflection & my grandmothers 1 Year!

Today is the one year anniversary for my grandmother, or as I called her, my bubba yaya. Bubba means grandma in masadonian, and yaya means grandma in Greek. I can't believe that it has been a year since her passing! So much has happened in a year! Most importantly the birth of the final grandchild Zach, a week after her passing.

To think that a year ago today I was at training thinking about my grandmother, I had gotten a call from my mom to go over and see her, so I went over with Ryan. We walked in, and my little cousin Lucas was there and greeted us. We were happy to see him and be greeted by the little cutie. Then my mom came out with it telling me that she passed away. I immediatly bawled. My dad, being the jokester he said, and supposedly this was true, "Wow, she reacted faster than all of us. She cried instantly, we all at least waited." People in Greece knew before I did! I was the last to know! So of course, my aunt was there with my mom making plans for her outfit and flowers, while my dad and his brothers planned other things with my papou (grandpa in Greek).

It was a hard week that week. She passed on a thursday, and a week later we were going to Newfoundland! So we were crunched for time. The day before the viewing I had found out that one of my previous coaches lost her fight to breast cancer (she was re-diagnosed & it had also spread). That night my whole family, minus Ryan and my aunt and cousin, all watched 'Death at a Funeral' to prove that the one for my grandmother won't be like that. It also gave us a chance to all be together and have a good laugh. The day of the viewings was very busy. I had to play in a beach tournament (I'm sorry, I earned $2,000 just for playing!) and I really had no choice, me and my partner threw the tourney so I could make it to the second one. I missed the afternoon one, and was lucky to make it to the night one.

The funeral was a long day! Greek funerals always are. There's an early morning service, our priest was late because he was sipping coffee downstairs. There was also drama because the cake had different icing on it, that was meant for the 6 month service. The bakery had messed up on it, and my uncle got blamed because he picked up the cake. My thia (aunt) is a very opinionated person and really yelled at him! Throught out the day there was fights between my aunts-go figure- and let me tell ya, I was in the middle always!

A tradition in the Greek church is that you have wine, wheat and bread. I got the honour of bringing them all up to the front of the church during the church service. My thia from my greek side was the one carrying this big bowl of wheat to the front and a candle. My aunt on the masadonian side (my grandmothers sister in law) said we had to wait until the casket get's there. My thia was half way to the aisle, while my other aunt was holding me back, and yelling at my aunt. They were pulling me back and forth! There was more to it than that, but still, it was insane!

The priest also messed up during the service, embarassing the living crap out of me! He was saying, "Stella was a daughter, a sister, a sister in law, a mother, a grandmother and great greatgrandmother." Everybody looked at me because I am the oldest and was a newly wed at the time. My aunt, who was 2 weeks over do from her due date was like, "Uh Britt," I had to mouth to my whole family, I'm not, he messed up. My dad looked like he was gonna have a heart attack! His face was actually priceless. Then when the family was walking by sending their condolence, everyone was like congratulations. Ryan and I had a good laugh, sorta.

It was nice to see my extended family because we never really see them. I even got to meet my cousin who I've never met before! The restaraunt part was interesting. I had to do a speech saying that I wasn't pregnant, and the priest apologized. Also, the restaraunt knew that there was 4 grandchildren at the time, and the one was bringing someone (Ryan). So the waitors brought over a plate of a kiddie meal to Ryan and myself! They thought we were kids! My grandfather laughed so hard. It was delicious, I must admit! Never thought at 25 years old that I would get a kiddie meal.

So much has happened since my grandmother passed away. There's not a day that I do not think about her. I miss her so much! I am glad that you are no longer in any pain and are up there with the angels watching over us all proudly. I love you and I miss you so much!

So now this weekend we have to go to church to celebrate her 1 year. I feel better now that I have reflected on her funeral, it definatly makes me feel better about everything and makes me remember that funerals and deaths are a bad thing, but you always make new memories after they are gone. I feel glad to get that out. I know it sounds weird, but talking about thing's or writing about things make me feel better.
Thanks for reading!

Brittany x0x0

Monday, July 4, 2011

Family Camping!

Well another Camping Trip with my family has ended. Usually I always look forward to camping, this year I was a bit hesitant in going. My cousins are all at that stage in their lives where they rather go hang out with friends or go clubbing than go camping with their family. And addicted to their blackberry, or phones. So I wasn't sure who was going to be there, and how social they were going to be. Sure enough, I was wrong.

Getting up there after about 3 hours (listening to Backstreet Boys the whole way), we quickly set up our tent and was ready to relax. Just getting to catch up with everybody and see everybody is so nice. My grandma's sister and my grandpa's brother married eachother, and their family of 3 boys was like brothers to my mom and her 3 sisters. So for years now they have gone camping together with their families. It gives everyone a chance to see eachother, catch up, do something different, and get away from civilization so to speak. So baisically we just talked all day, and had a kick ass camp fire at night. It was also freezing that night!

Also, we brought the 2 dogs up! (For those who don't know, we just got a new 5 month old puppy named Tucker!) Everyone knew and loves Chloe and were happy to meet Tucker. He is at an awkward stage in his life, he's only 5 months and still developing. His hips are pathetic (like mine), and he's so clumsy! My aunt and uncle have a dog so we were introducing them. Then, the damn dog started to attack Tucker and jumped ontop of him! Tucker is under a table trying to get up and I was ready to kill my aunt and uncles dog! That's my baby! So anyway, while this is going on Chloe was barking away, trying to beat up my cousins dog! Chloe is 3lbs, Tucker is 40lbs, and my cousins dog is 30lbs! She's a fiesty one alright!

Saturday was a hot one. The day started out over cast, and was calling for thunder storms all day. After an hour of over cast the sun was bright and shining. My mom, uncle, cousins, nanny, great uncle, great aunt and myself all played horseshoes. We are all competitive so it was pretty funny how into it we got. My one cousin had to work and her older sister was going to a party that night so they had to leave unfourtunatly. My mom's sister, her husband, and 2 oldest kids had to leave because my cousins best friends mom passed away and it was the day of the funeral. Totally understandable! So they would be back at the end of the day.

Next we went down to the pond where everyone else was fishing away. Ryan had no worms to use, so he put a grape, that's right, a grape on the end of his line and no word of a lie, 30 seconds later he caught a 5lbs fish! It was the funniest thing! We always fish when camping and now have a fishing trophy that the winner get's to keep for the year and then brings it back the next year for the new winner. So far we were winning!

The rest of the afternoon, my uncle's 2 kids (I hate the one of them) came up for about 3 hours! The point was to stay up over night, not 3 hours. The female cousin talked to us for about an hour then went in a trailer alone for the other 2. We were playing Botchie Ball and Lawn Darts. Ryan was really having fun with the kids, aka my brother and my twin cousins his age. My cousin and her boyfriend had to leave aswell, so again, my cousins were all leaving. My great grandmother and great aunt came up for the day aswell.

Once everyone was really starting to leave and get dinner started, me and my cousin/teammate Shannon went on a walk down the street. We were both not impressed that everyone was leaving so we both vented. She also wanted to leave because she had to go to her summer job the next day, but felt like she had to stay since no one else was. She is one of my cousins closer to my age and we grew up together, so we've always been close. If it wasn't for her being there I would've died. Yes I talked with my aunts and uncles, but I'm not that close with them, and it was sort of awkward at points.

For dinner we had a huge BBQ and everyone provided something. It was so nice to have everyone that was there eat a meal with eachother. For dessert my great grandmother made Rice Pudding and once it was brought out all of my mom and her cousins raced to go get some like savages! It was so funny. While they were all fighting for some food, all of my generation was like 'what the heck is so great about Rice Puddin?'. The rain clouds came, but no rain yet so we all quickly cleaned up! It always rains when we're camping so we're used to it. We had thunder and lightning but no rain. Just my aunt and uncle came back, leaving their older two at home-thank God-they don't socialize what so ever so it's not like we were missing them that much. Supposedly there was a huge storm going on and everyone was texting us, and we had nothing but a few bangs, and lightning!

We had a short camp fire. But while that was going on, the prank war started! My brother and twin cousins put a frog in my fucking tent! And it was in my fucking bag! I hate bugs and frogs and snakes (which we all saw!). So they got it out. Then before my brother and the twins bed time (they were all in a tent together), Ryan snuck into their tent and jumped out and scared them! I had a great laugh! In the morning when we were cleaning up Ryan threw a fucking dragon fly in our tent and held the zipper so I couldn't get out! What an asshole! (We love eachother so much haha!).

We ended up staying longer then planned, went canoeing, floated on a raft, and Ryan won his fishing trophy, he was the only one who caught a fish! We left, got ice cream (I love brownie ice cream!) and we stopped in at my great grandmother's for a bit. Then we got home. It was nice being away but damn I missed my bed!

In the end I had a great weekend and want to go camping again! Family is so important and I can't stress it enough how much you should take these opportunities while you have them. I know it may not seem as cool to hang out with your family, but it's all you got in the end. It gives you a chance to catch up, see people you don't usually see, do something different and have a great weekend. Not to mention get a tan! And mosquito bum is covered (the one place I didn't spray!). Both Ryan and I loved it!

Thanks for reading my blog and finding out how my long weekend was! I hope everyone had a great time with their families this beautiful long weekend! It's time for me to take a break from this blog, and prepare for my surgery tomorrow morning. It's nothing big, just fixing a plate in my nose (long story!). Can't wait to catch up with you all soon,

Brittany xoxo