Saturday, August 21, 2010

Family Trip

So 3 weeks ago my family took a trip to Newfoundland for a family reunion that involved my mom's mom's whole family. And let me tell ya, it's a huge family! My mom has 37 first cousins on that said of her family, my nanny had 10 brothers and sisters in her family, so it's kinda big. We had an early flight at 6am, but had to be there for 3am, and we're flying within Canada! It was b.s. if you ask me, but whatever. My dad couldn't come because heabsolutly had to be at work, so he dropped myself, Ryan, mom, Nicole and Alex off at the airport and said his goodbyes. We were at the airport so early that only one store was open, and no one was there! That's how I like to spend my Friday morning's alright. We had a stop in Gander, then continued 20 mins to St. John's. I have never been to Newfoundland before and it was quite the experience! The airport was tiny, but actually nice, I loved it.

We stayed in St. John's visiting my aunt and her hubby and baby, and got a few thing's to get us by, and off we were to our cabin's we rented 45 mins away, just outside if Brigus. (The names they have there!). So we got ready and went to Bay Roberts, where my nanny is from and went to the infamous, 'Nanny Mercer's House'. Everybody talks about that place because it's where my greatgrandmother raised all the kids and was the family home, and still is. We had a night full of bug bites and early bed, the time change was a killer! The next morning we went back to the house and went to bears cove, right behind the house. Never in my life have I seen the ocean so calm before, and neither has anyone else. The boys went fishing and the girls shopped, until we had to go get ready for the dinner and dance we had that night. It was so much fun! We danced the night away, and yet...we didn't do the Newfie Jig. It's okay, I don't know how to do it anyway.

Then Sunday we went whale watching in the morning. what a morning it was! Fog beyond belief, and a small boat on te ocean. I hate boats but I sucked it up and had a death grip on the railing and Ryan, or whoever was beside me. We did see whales, and jellyfish and puffins! And we finally got reception to call my dad! Let me tell you that the phone service sucked!! So in the middle of the ocean we were talking to my dad. My brother even jigged, and my cousin cauhgt a Macoral for the Screeching in ceremony, because we couldn't get a cod. There was no way in hell that I was kissing a fish. But little did I know, I actually did! We had a picnic at the same place we had our dinner the night before and had Kentucky Fried Chicken. Everyone got the breasts, which are my fave to eat, and I got theighs, my least favourite. So I said, "Oh I love breasts," and everyone at my table and the table next to us started laughing. Typicall moment for me. We also played dumb games on teams and made fools of ourselves, but that's what families do. My team got pranked big time (I'll explain later), and caught it on video!

So anyway, before we all left, all the new bee's to Newfie, or Newfie virgins, all lined up and kissed the fish. And yes, it was yummy. haha. My friends are still making fun of me for that one. That night afterwards we had a bon fire at bears cove, which by the way sounds like beers cove when the newfie's say it, so that's how I say it. And the 'virgins' all had to eat peperment knobs, newfie steak (balony), salted fish (which I enjoyed) and my favourite, the screech or clingy. I got both haha! It was nasty. But to top it all off, we said embarassing newfie sayings, which I am not good at. And did you know that down there, cocky means buddy. I laughed hard when I heard that!

I had a blast that night roasting marshmallow's and hot dogs with the family. Every few minutes you'd have to move everything up because the tide from the ocean was coming. Onthe monday we went to one of my favourite places, and my grandpa's fave place, Mad Rock. What it is, is a hude place with rocks and trails that you go through and on, and can see the ocean. It was breath takingly beauitful and freaking freezing! Let me tell you, I showed up at Nanny Mercer's (our meeting spot) in short shorts with a change of pants, and everybody looked at me like I was on crack. Personally, it was the warmest day there, when you were far from the ocean anyway. Everyone down there was in shorts and tee shirts regularaly (but that day), and I was in a heavy sweater and pants. I'm not accustumed to the cold weather. After that exhausting day, we went to dinner, and warmed up. It was a great time!

The next day we went to my favourite place on the whole island, or at least the eastern part of the island, Hearts Content. The family was planning on going to the beach, so we went. Ryan even mud wrestled my uncle, who is about 300lbs. So funny! That and he was dunking my cousins and brother. After we got bored from that, we drove to Hearts Content. (We drove through a place called Dildo to get there lol!) When we got there, it had fishing boats and lobster cages at the bottom of the hill, but up the hill, was a lighthouse with a gorgeous view! We had a photoshoot with the lighthouse and went on a trail. Little did we know it was bee infested. I've never been stung by anything before, but my aunt got stung twice, uncle once, and little cousin got it too. We walked over a nest disturbing them, so we had to take turns on who was going over. Ryan ran with the kids on his back cuz they were freaking.

We planned a sunset picnic at the lighthouse, with a lovely sitting area with a bench over looking the ocean and picnic tables. After dinner, we were whale watching for 3 hours! I saw a few whales, and a light house, and a newfie dog (big labradour!), with newfies, all in one place! Can it get more newfie than that!?! If I was to ever get married in Newfoundland, that would be where I would go! Seriously guys, I had a blast! What a perfect way to spend your last night in Bay Roberts before heading back to St. John's.

The next day we left the cabins and headed to St. John's. The drive was very scenic, and we even stopped at a few places, with a very um...weird stop at a church. We stopped for lunch at a place called Conception Harbour, which sounds dirty, but the water isn't very. Nice spot. When we reached St. John's, we headed to Signal Hill, this time to climb it. Ryan stayed with my uncles and God son, while myself, sibs, mom, aunts and cousin climed the bloody thing! It took us forever to do the whole thing. I think I'm pretty fit, but damn was that thing long! At one point it looked like the great wall of China for crying out loud! But the relief was great once we got back the the car. The night was fun.

The next day was neat, we went to Bell Island, and to a mine. But before we caught that ferry, we found a church that turned into a antiques shop. Well boys oh boys did I find it creepy! It smelt like my papous house downtown, it was old, and full of creepy old objects. First thing you see when you walk in is a table across the room with a creepy old doll at the end, Chuckie! I was so freaked out, and the owner who lived upstairs yelled down and I thaught Igor would come hobbing down the stairs. Me and my sister made horror videos. And there was a black cat that would come around, does it get any more creepy then that? Yes. But I won't talk about it anymore, cuz I'm getting creeped out. The mine was cold, and neat, sorta boring. Then at a diner before we left, I come out of the bathroom and my sister comes running over yelling, "aunte had the baby!" My aunt was very preggers and we had expected it to be born when we were down there. So Zachary Peter was born when we were down there! We saw a pic via text, and called to congradulate. We ate our poutine, saw another small lighthouse and left.

Later on we went to Cape Spere, the most eastern part of North America. It was a great view, and we saw loads, and I mean loads of whales! This time right at the coast! Just before we got there, I saw the junior league hockey boys at their training camp, so I was watching with some of the coaches, so I guess I did a lot of scoping that day haha. My mom had never been there before so it was a new experience all together. We drove around downtown St. John's, which is crazier to drive in then Toronto! Went home and had a good last night there.

When Friday morning rolled around, a wake up from my God son made me feel sad to leave. A newfie breakfeast, and packing was what the morning consisted of. We dropped off te bags beforehand, since we were staying down teh road from the airport, and came back. Ian started walking, which was cool, and supposedly he hadn't stopped since! I miss it there. We were in a rush to leave, so we couldn't say goodbye to everyone unfourtunatly, but I know I'll be back! The ride home was so long! I had a great nap. We arrived, waited 45mins for luggage, saw my dad, went to his place, had McDonalds for dinner, and went to visit the baby and my family.

I had the trip of my life and would so go again. It was amazing, and can't wait to go back. Seriously readers, ifyou haven't gone, go! Because it is something you do not want to miss out on. Sure a sunny beach is nice, but so is Newfoundland. Just don't have too much screech, or you won't remember all the fun you had,
blog to ya later,

Brittany, #5 :)