Well I can't believe yet another season is over. Hard to believe that just in August we were doing drafts and trades. A lot has happened this year and I think it helped change me as a person. I learned a lot about myself, and others. Looking back it was such an up and down year for my life that definatly changed me.
Looking back to our first practice as a team we were all ready to come back together and kick ass this season, unlike last year when we never got the chance. The bonding was back, the laughter was back, the drive to succeed was back, and most importantly the skill. With some new editions to the team I believe that we were more than welcoming to our new girls.
Sure there was some drama between one of players last season, but she changed for the better and as a team we all got along great with her. Sure we all pulled her leg about everything, but it was pretty funny. Last year we really didn't have any drama, this year, we started off to a bad start. One player on our team, has a reputation of being the 'cancer' on the team. Tons of people have told me but I never believed it, when I should have.
After many therapy sessions with the team, and bonding we pulled through it and was able to have a much better season than last year. Once we got on a good role, I however did not, with a huge injury that knocked me out for 8 weeks-or something like that, I can't remember. Ankle injuries suck! As the girls said, they were lost without their captain on the court, being on the bench was so different. I had a lot of damage to my ankle and emotionally. I did go through some tough stuff about myself and the recovery process was extremly difficult. My coach wasn't supportive and was trying to push me to do things I was not capable of doing.
It was frustrating for me to go to practice and mess up on something that normally I wouldn't of messed up on, and get yelled at for it. In volleyball everybody knows that you messed up and the last thing you need is for people to yell at you, you already feel bad enough. I tried a new amazing thing called MAT, which got me back to normal in no time! And caused a bit of hip and lower back pain to come back more than it normally does.
But anyway, we also got some cool opportunities this season! We went to Cuba to play internationally, we met the Prime Minister again, we travelled to new places, won more games, had more press, and I even got to go to Mexico with Nicole for a 2 day press event while the rest of the team was going through the hell of passing practices (truley your legs cannot work after 3 hours of doing that position!) I loved it! And we lost a player Paige due to a back injury.
In play-off's we did alright during the first 2 days in New York, but day 3 we dominated! It was all about teamwork. We went around the city, ate together, did everything with people on our team. I think I spent so much time with Shrimpy, Meg and Kim. Even Kally and Katie. And our families even came to watch in New York! My parents, siblings and Ryan all came down to see us play! It was so much fun to see the look on their faces during the coast finals when we were at game point.
Our first game was so strong! We came out as a team, we worked hard and we proved ourselves! I like to call us the 'Come back Kids' because truley we did comeback! Normally if we get down on ourselves or start losing points, ,we can't have a comeback. But all it took was one good hit or serve and we were on a roll and would win the games! It was amazing! And you know what? We even came 3rd in the East coast! We went in ranked like 16th. I don't know about you but I was proud!
Since we placed 3rd in the east coast, that meant we travelled to Edmonton Alberta! I have only been there for a maximum of like 2 days, and I really want to go back. Sure it was frezzing cold and there was snow, but we had a blast! Hell, we even had a snowball fight! It was great. Sure we lost and placed 6th overall, I was pissed that we lost, but for a team that wasn't expected anything, we killed it. And I am so proud of us as a team!
And as our last dinner comes up, I have one thing to say, I am so proud of you ladies! I really mean it! I was so honoured to be captain yet again this year and to be a part of this amazing team. I think we grew as a team and as individuals. We all learned new things about ourselves and eachother, and was finally able to put aside our differences, act like friends off the court and truley act like sisters on the court! And in true team form, we fucked that shit up!
And I am honoured to say that our team was selected for the tournament in Montreal in a few weeks, I can't wait to dominate there too! We decided to take a week off, you know, spend time with family, spend easter with them, spend time with your kids-for those who have, and just take a break from volleyball for a week. But come wednesday, I'll see you all in the gym in the am. I bet you we'll all die when we get back. Thanks for reading and I'll definatly keep you posted,
Brittany, #10 (@TotalBlocksicle on Twitter)
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Play-off's Right Around The Corner
Okay, I am the crappiest blogger in the world! I know I don't do well on updating, but whatever. So play-off's are quickly approaching and the madness is soon to begin! This year we are heading to New York for round 1, there we will play in our east coast pool, sorta like the olympics kinda. Then depending on how we do, we could either go home or go to Edmonton and continue on to round 2! I don't know about you but I want to go to Edmonton! The week before play-off's start is always busy. You literally work out all day to prepare yourself for keeping up the energy even when you've given it your all. The morning starts out with a session in the gym, weightlifting, muscle conditioning, and all that stuff for an hour. Then we do the longest stretch ever. Then lunch, usually healthy. Then we spend about 2 hours actually playing with balls. Maybe at night you'd do yoga or pilates, or get a massage-their amazing! Or you would be like Shrimpy and myself and spend some extra time on the court. The other day we had passing for 4 hours straight, that is a terrible thing! Staying in ready position for that long will kill you! Thankffully I only had 2 and a half hours, then I had an interview. Sucks for the rest of my team! Not only is the training intense, but your meal plan is so healthy, even health itself would need a junk foos break. Typically your meal would look like this; a large healthy brekfeast, (eggs&all that fun stuff) smoothie, organge juice and fruit. Then a snack, fruit and granola, with this nasty healthy drink. Lunch is usually with meat and a whole lot of vegetables with water. Afternoon snack is typically the same as the morning, but with vegetables. Dinner is usually something with a lot of meat and carbs, always eat something with a lot of carbs before you play or do physical activity. And your night snack is again, something, and drinking lemon tea to relax you for a good sleep and help your voice so you can have it for when you play. So we have a pretty structure day, and it might get to the point to where our coach get's us hotels so we won't get distracted. So we're not supposed to see our families and friends, but we all make time to anyway, cuz the play-off schedual is much worst! It's good to get yu focused though. What we also do at hotels is our coach could wake us up at anytime or take us to the court at anytime during the day to go play so you are always ready. And with our luck we most definatly will need it! Unfourtunatly this year we have an injury, Paige is out with a bad back injury which will prevent her from playing for the rest of the season. Its unfourtunate but I guess that's what needs to happen if we want her for later on this season. We're also on a watch for Shannon due to a fresh finger injury, like myself. Hopefully we won't get hurt anytime soon! Can't wait till play-off's start as much as I admit it. But it means that our season is coming to a close end and I don't want it to be over. Then again I need a break. I also will be travelling to play on a national division team in Thailand and quite possibly Brazil. Who knows what could happen there? Leaving for New York on Friday, can't wait to go kick some ass! Let's Fuck some serious shit up ladies! ♥ Brittany! :) (@TotalBlocksicle on Twitter)
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