Monday, September 5, 2011


So the last few days have been nothing but busy and emotional! Why? Because my dog Chloe ran away! On friday we had a BBQ with the Babcock's and around 10 we were saying goodbye to the last of the family, we normally hold Chloe during this time, but we didn't/ As they are walking out of the door, a thing of thunder went off, and Chloe, who is petrified of thunder, ran out the door and thru a huge bush that a person can't even jump over that leads to another street.

So Ryan had to run down the street and around, and by that time she was gone. I'm sorry, but she is 3lbs and black. How are you gonna see her at night? Ryan, his brother Tommy and his brother in law Dwayne all stayed up and looked while I made calls and all that stuff. We didn't go to bed until 4 in the morning! So yeah, we looked all day saturday and still nothing.

I was a mess, bawling, sobbing, all that stuff! At 1am that night we got a call from a family saying that they found her! Agailn, I did not sleep that night, only because I was so excited to get my baby home! The father had said that the kids wanted to say goodbye to Chloe and do the right thing themselves, and I was so happy to let them do that!

So at 10 am the next morning we went to the address that the family had given us. The first thing we saw after introducing ourselves was the 4 young kids holding and petting Chloe, and then they handed her over. It was so cute! It made me so emotional. I scooped her up and just held her. I'm sure the kids must've thought I was crazy or something. But anyway, I was so happy to see her!

Beth and Dean, the parents, let the kids say goodbye and explain what they had learned about this experience. They had said that they learned to do the right thing. They learned all the steps of what to do if they ever have that happen again and it was so amazing to hear how much they learned. Such good citizens at such a young age! I had also done a thank you speach to them and let them know how much it meant to me that they did that and took such good care of Chloe. We also tried to give them a reward but they wouldn't accept it, so we got the kids an icecream at the icecream truck that day, and are taking Beth and Dean to dinner. We actually got along so well and made new friends! Who knew!?

Thank you to all who sent their best wishes and prayers! Ryan and I greatly appreciated it! We are so happy to have Chloe back at home with us. We missed her so much! Ryan was amazing with me during those tough days. He felt bad that my baby was gone, especialy cuz he gave me her for Christmas so he knows how much she means to me. I still need to make him the most awesome sandwhich ever to thank him. That's just the way we are. We thank eachother by giving them the things we like, especially if the other person makes it for us.
Thanks for reading,

Thursday, September 1, 2011

News, news, news!

Ha! I'm updating! What what? Yeah, usualy when I say I'll blog about something in another blog, I never end up updating (like my wedding), but anyway, I am! So since we last left off I had recieved the news that Toronto is starting yet another team based out of the beautiful city and I was one of the very lucky ladies to accept the position! I will be playing libero, a position that plays only back row for usually the tall people who can't pass because they can't get low enough to pass, and is used as a free sub whenever they want for whoever they want. So yeah, that's me and what I do for a living.

Upon accepting the position on the team I have started my pre-season work outs. And let me tell ya, volleyball training is not nice! What happens when we do pre-season training is you baisically do cardio for an hour, do some running, stairs, eliptical, ladder exercises and bike. Then you do weights for an hour. Then afterwards you usually do a yoga or pilates class to centre yourself and gain core muscles and improve them, because passing uses a lot of your core. And that is every other day, and on the days we have off, we do 4 hours of practice. And that is what I do most days of the year.

As much as I love the work outs and feeling the pain, I really can't stand the pain the I get when I truley haven't done anything that intense for months. Your back begins to hurt, along with all your muscles and your mentally changing again to keep your focus. Our new coach is pretty good and we have a great technical staff and support team and trainers. Speaking of which, I would like to congratulate my trainer Dana on her first pregnancy! I am very happy for her and wish her and her husband all the best.

As for teammates, I am not sure who I have yet. I know I have Shrimpy on my team which will be awesome! I have Stacey, Paige, and Kayla also returning. Other than that, I am not sure what happens from here. All I know is I have fittings for uniforms and track suits and jersey's on the 8th and there I will meet everyone, and we start practicing. I am so stoked!

Not only has my life started to get back to the norm, for us anyway, I have been busy helping my best friend Katie plan her wedding! It's not until June but you know how it is planning a wedding. By the way, she is the reason why I am not going on the New Kids On The Block cruise, so you can thank her for that haha! I am her MOH, and am veryhappy for Katie. She's had some rough relationships and I am glad that she has finally found her true match!

Also most recently my one sister in law and I have been getting into it a lot. We have a long and bad past with eachother. She didn't like the fact that I was dating her baby brother and she had a problem with me. Words have been exchanged ovber the years and I really try to get along with her because Ryan and her get along great, but she keeps it up. A few weeks ago she said something that will haunt me forever and just a few days ago at a family BBQ, she apologized yet again, face to face, and is starting to show some improvement! I am thrilled that she is starting to try to get along with me. As I always say, for having 8 sister/brother in laws, and to only have one hate me isn't that bad.

So that is the big news! A lot is going on right now and I wouldn't want to have it any other way. Since my summer days are winding down, I think I am going to take advantage of what I have in my life. I tried new things this summer and had a blast! I am looking forward to a new season and can't wait to get back on the court. Sure Ryan and myself aren't going to be parents anytime soon, we are looking forward to doing things while we're still young that we wouldn't be able to if we had a baby. (ex. my job). It just gives me something to look forward to in my life, and a new goal to push for over time.
Thanks for reading!
Britt :)