Monday, May 23, 2011

Family & Friends What More Do Ya Need?

So it has occured to me that I officailly love my family and friends like you would not believe. I have been blessed with such amazing people in my life and I'm so thankful to have them with me. This weekend I have spent time with my family and some close friends and I just thought I'd like to share what went down this long-beautiful-weekend.

Friday I spent time with one of my best friends Julia, who just had a baby girl, my God Daughter Isabella. Again, being there to witness her birth was so unreal. It was so neat, and a bit awkward to be in the delivery room, but it just makes me excited for when its our time to start our own family! I also had the best webcam chat with Paige who is living back in Texas with her hubby and beautiful kids. Her back is still killing her, but I'm excited to see her this week in New York for a banquet. That night Ryan and I got together with some of our friends who he works with and we went to dinner. Great couples night!

Saturday was beautiful! Had a sleep-in for once, and got to tan! That afternoon we had a barbeque with his family. And with Ryan being the youngest of 9 children, there was a lot of people. Usually we have barbeques at our house because its big, and we have a pool, hot tub, and a huge backyard for the kids to play in. But we had it at his sister Carol's house. The kids played at the park they live literally right next to, so it was pretty much just us hanging out, having good time. The traffic on the way there was insane! Why the heck anyone would close the major highway on a long weekend beats me. Their crazy I tell ya! I think Ryan flipped off every person there and I was screaming at the dumb drivers. I'm sorry but it is illegal to talk on the phone while driving here, so stop doing it! Grr! Anyways....

Yesterday morning I went out to brekfeast with my daddy and we had a good time. I always get along with my dad, we're cut from the same cloth. Then I went out shopping for a BBQ that we were hosting that night with my dad's side of the family. So my papou, uncles, aunt, cousins, parents siblings, and to my surprise my nanny from my moms side came on out and we had a nice afternoon. My one little cousin Zach, who is 9 months cannot leave his mothers side, and I actually stopped him from crying and even fed him! I felt so happy because he didn't cry with me. (Hey-it's an accomplishment!)

And today I have been on and off with my volleyball friends from around the place. There's a huge banquet in New York on Thursday so I'll see my team again on Wed when we get down there. Shrimpy and I are going down together. I'm excited to see the girls because it's only been 2 weeks and I haven't seen them, just briefly talked to them. It doesn't hit you that the seasons over until they walk out the door or you drop them off at the airport. Talking on the phone sometimes just doesn't do it justice, or on web cam sometimes.

Anyway, Ryan's at the golf course with his buddies so I'm having a relaxing day. I love just being by myself after being around so many people for a few days. I like my privacy. So that was my weekend and what I had so say about my family and friends. Thanks for reading,
Brittany xoxo :)

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Well my last game with the team was today, and I'm very mixed about it. I mean I'm glad that its over and that we can get a break and everything, and I can spend so much time with my family and Ryan. But I'm leaving my sisters, and their leaving me. We have been so close together and it was an amazing season. And this tournament in Quebec was a good ending to the season.

We headed up on Wed. with my mom, Megan and her mom. Since we were playing on mothers day, by the way, happy mothers day! we thought we should bring our mothers to come along for the ride. They all enjoyed themselves a bit too much. It was funny, I think they bonded a lot more than the team. They went to dinner and had drinks and just had fun.

All day thursday we had press and interviews and all that fun stuff with sports tv stations, local stations for the french, and some magazine. It was so much fun! We also ate real French Poutine! So full afterwards! Than we had opening ceremonies, which is like the Olympics. We only had 5 of us there though. Plus, we lost 2 players, so we were down. Friday we went on walks and shopped, I went crazy and got nothing!

On Friday when playing we lost all our games. Afterwards I bonded with Shrimpy while our parents went out. Girl talk is so easy for us. It was a rollercoaster ride. And with some not so nice words from my coach, I was not impressed. Saturday we walked around the neighborhood, bonded in our rooms and played. I had lunch with Shrimpy while our parents were adventuring the city. We won one of our games, and almost won another. I also got to watch my men's team play and see them, which was always fun! After we had a team meeting for the coaches and gave them presents. We got our coach beer and all that stuff. And we went out to dinner and had a few drinks-some more than others!

Sunday we went to brekfeast and had literally no time to prepare! So we went on and almost won. We played our hearts out and unfourtunatly lost. I had fun and that's all that matters. We didn't really care about the money, we were there for an extended season and a good time. We went home a little disappointed but I think happy.

I hope my mom had a good time with us this weekend and had a happy mothers day! I got to get off this computer and continue with these emails! I'll be busy helping my friend with her wedding, and my other friend is about to give birth to my godchild anytime now! Lot's to look forward to! Thanks for reading,
keep on rocking,
Britt xoxo :)
(@TotalBlocksicle on Twitter)