Saturday, August 21, 2010

Family Trip

So 3 weeks ago my family took a trip to Newfoundland for a family reunion that involved my mom's mom's whole family. And let me tell ya, it's a huge family! My mom has 37 first cousins on that said of her family, my nanny had 10 brothers and sisters in her family, so it's kinda big. We had an early flight at 6am, but had to be there for 3am, and we're flying within Canada! It was b.s. if you ask me, but whatever. My dad couldn't come because heabsolutly had to be at work, so he dropped myself, Ryan, mom, Nicole and Alex off at the airport and said his goodbyes. We were at the airport so early that only one store was open, and no one was there! That's how I like to spend my Friday morning's alright. We had a stop in Gander, then continued 20 mins to St. John's. I have never been to Newfoundland before and it was quite the experience! The airport was tiny, but actually nice, I loved it.

We stayed in St. John's visiting my aunt and her hubby and baby, and got a few thing's to get us by, and off we were to our cabin's we rented 45 mins away, just outside if Brigus. (The names they have there!). So we got ready and went to Bay Roberts, where my nanny is from and went to the infamous, 'Nanny Mercer's House'. Everybody talks about that place because it's where my greatgrandmother raised all the kids and was the family home, and still is. We had a night full of bug bites and early bed, the time change was a killer! The next morning we went back to the house and went to bears cove, right behind the house. Never in my life have I seen the ocean so calm before, and neither has anyone else. The boys went fishing and the girls shopped, until we had to go get ready for the dinner and dance we had that night. It was so much fun! We danced the night away, and yet...we didn't do the Newfie Jig. It's okay, I don't know how to do it anyway.

Then Sunday we went whale watching in the morning. what a morning it was! Fog beyond belief, and a small boat on te ocean. I hate boats but I sucked it up and had a death grip on the railing and Ryan, or whoever was beside me. We did see whales, and jellyfish and puffins! And we finally got reception to call my dad! Let me tell you that the phone service sucked!! So in the middle of the ocean we were talking to my dad. My brother even jigged, and my cousin cauhgt a Macoral for the Screeching in ceremony, because we couldn't get a cod. There was no way in hell that I was kissing a fish. But little did I know, I actually did! We had a picnic at the same place we had our dinner the night before and had Kentucky Fried Chicken. Everyone got the breasts, which are my fave to eat, and I got theighs, my least favourite. So I said, "Oh I love breasts," and everyone at my table and the table next to us started laughing. Typicall moment for me. We also played dumb games on teams and made fools of ourselves, but that's what families do. My team got pranked big time (I'll explain later), and caught it on video!

So anyway, before we all left, all the new bee's to Newfie, or Newfie virgins, all lined up and kissed the fish. And yes, it was yummy. haha. My friends are still making fun of me for that one. That night afterwards we had a bon fire at bears cove, which by the way sounds like beers cove when the newfie's say it, so that's how I say it. And the 'virgins' all had to eat peperment knobs, newfie steak (balony), salted fish (which I enjoyed) and my favourite, the screech or clingy. I got both haha! It was nasty. But to top it all off, we said embarassing newfie sayings, which I am not good at. And did you know that down there, cocky means buddy. I laughed hard when I heard that!

I had a blast that night roasting marshmallow's and hot dogs with the family. Every few minutes you'd have to move everything up because the tide from the ocean was coming. Onthe monday we went to one of my favourite places, and my grandpa's fave place, Mad Rock. What it is, is a hude place with rocks and trails that you go through and on, and can see the ocean. It was breath takingly beauitful and freaking freezing! Let me tell you, I showed up at Nanny Mercer's (our meeting spot) in short shorts with a change of pants, and everybody looked at me like I was on crack. Personally, it was the warmest day there, when you were far from the ocean anyway. Everyone down there was in shorts and tee shirts regularaly (but that day), and I was in a heavy sweater and pants. I'm not accustumed to the cold weather. After that exhausting day, we went to dinner, and warmed up. It was a great time!

The next day we went to my favourite place on the whole island, or at least the eastern part of the island, Hearts Content. The family was planning on going to the beach, so we went. Ryan even mud wrestled my uncle, who is about 300lbs. So funny! That and he was dunking my cousins and brother. After we got bored from that, we drove to Hearts Content. (We drove through a place called Dildo to get there lol!) When we got there, it had fishing boats and lobster cages at the bottom of the hill, but up the hill, was a lighthouse with a gorgeous view! We had a photoshoot with the lighthouse and went on a trail. Little did we know it was bee infested. I've never been stung by anything before, but my aunt got stung twice, uncle once, and little cousin got it too. We walked over a nest disturbing them, so we had to take turns on who was going over. Ryan ran with the kids on his back cuz they were freaking.

We planned a sunset picnic at the lighthouse, with a lovely sitting area with a bench over looking the ocean and picnic tables. After dinner, we were whale watching for 3 hours! I saw a few whales, and a light house, and a newfie dog (big labradour!), with newfies, all in one place! Can it get more newfie than that!?! If I was to ever get married in Newfoundland, that would be where I would go! Seriously guys, I had a blast! What a perfect way to spend your last night in Bay Roberts before heading back to St. John's.

The next day we left the cabins and headed to St. John's. The drive was very scenic, and we even stopped at a few places, with a very um...weird stop at a church. We stopped for lunch at a place called Conception Harbour, which sounds dirty, but the water isn't very. Nice spot. When we reached St. John's, we headed to Signal Hill, this time to climb it. Ryan stayed with my uncles and God son, while myself, sibs, mom, aunts and cousin climed the bloody thing! It took us forever to do the whole thing. I think I'm pretty fit, but damn was that thing long! At one point it looked like the great wall of China for crying out loud! But the relief was great once we got back the the car. The night was fun.

The next day was neat, we went to Bell Island, and to a mine. But before we caught that ferry, we found a church that turned into a antiques shop. Well boys oh boys did I find it creepy! It smelt like my papous house downtown, it was old, and full of creepy old objects. First thing you see when you walk in is a table across the room with a creepy old doll at the end, Chuckie! I was so freaked out, and the owner who lived upstairs yelled down and I thaught Igor would come hobbing down the stairs. Me and my sister made horror videos. And there was a black cat that would come around, does it get any more creepy then that? Yes. But I won't talk about it anymore, cuz I'm getting creeped out. The mine was cold, and neat, sorta boring. Then at a diner before we left, I come out of the bathroom and my sister comes running over yelling, "aunte had the baby!" My aunt was very preggers and we had expected it to be born when we were down there. So Zachary Peter was born when we were down there! We saw a pic via text, and called to congradulate. We ate our poutine, saw another small lighthouse and left.

Later on we went to Cape Spere, the most eastern part of North America. It was a great view, and we saw loads, and I mean loads of whales! This time right at the coast! Just before we got there, I saw the junior league hockey boys at their training camp, so I was watching with some of the coaches, so I guess I did a lot of scoping that day haha. My mom had never been there before so it was a new experience all together. We drove around downtown St. John's, which is crazier to drive in then Toronto! Went home and had a good last night there.

When Friday morning rolled around, a wake up from my God son made me feel sad to leave. A newfie breakfeast, and packing was what the morning consisted of. We dropped off te bags beforehand, since we were staying down teh road from the airport, and came back. Ian started walking, which was cool, and supposedly he hadn't stopped since! I miss it there. We were in a rush to leave, so we couldn't say goodbye to everyone unfourtunatly, but I know I'll be back! The ride home was so long! I had a great nap. We arrived, waited 45mins for luggage, saw my dad, went to his place, had McDonalds for dinner, and went to visit the baby and my family.

I had the trip of my life and would so go again. It was amazing, and can't wait to go back. Seriously readers, ifyou haven't gone, go! Because it is something you do not want to miss out on. Sure a sunny beach is nice, but so is Newfoundland. Just don't have too much screech, or you won't remember all the fun you had,
blog to ya later,

Brittany, #5 :)

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

The end of a season.

Wow, I'm really bad at keeping thup with this, um, where do I begin? So much has happened since I last blogged. On May 15th I got married!! WOO!! That was the best day ever, I was so blessed to have had such a great day, spending it with loved ones and my new hubby. Love that I can call him that now! Thankyou so much for all the love and support through it and for all the great wishes I had received, you guys are awsome!! But not only have I been busy with the wedding, a few weeks before, my season had come to an end.

The girls travelled to Washington DC to play several other teams in the beginning of our play-off's. Since they run it differently compared to other sports, we had to go to Washington fpr a few days and play back to back games against the other teams. We had greay pool play, but unfourtunatly lost in the most important game to determine who goes to round two in Vancouver. That morning I remember waking up knowing we were either going to BC or back hime, and I think it was clear how that went down.

That last game was not a good one to end on. We had a great first set, defeating them then got too cocky and lost i the second. The ref was absolute shit! I can explain how much I hate this man, but I'll be nice about it. He was an idiot, messing up calls on our girls, and favouring the other team cuz they were from the same area. I sure did give him a peice of my mind. Some might call me a suck, but whatever. I'm like Crosby in a way, always eyeing down the ref, and could get sucky with him. But it's all good. I'm just suprised that I didn't get a warning. Kally, God love ya! She dove for that last ball, knowing she wouldn't get it, but she tried. The worst was seeing her curl up in a ball and cry on the court. And walking off the court crying with her with my arm around her shoulder was quite the picture.

Even though the season also went down with the coaching drama, we still kept our heads up high. For me personally, I was just as shocked as anyone that our own coach turned on us, but he had his reasons. He sat on the bench and didn't say a word, he wasn't calling time out's, or subs and when he did yell, he told me to step up and bea leader. Which was funny because, all I was doing was doing, when my team wasn't saying anything, I'm one person and in volleyball, one person can't do everything, it's a team sport. And we were a team up until that moment. I'm one person, what more can I do? That moment brought me to tears.

Then afterwards, when you shook the other teams hands, grabbed the ball bag and left without a word, you have big balls to walk out on your team like that. We were hurt, and we acted out at the McDonalds, that's what happend, and we're sorry for that. Thankfully we turned thing's around befre everyone began to head home.

It was so sad seeing the girls leave, Paige back to Tennessee, Alycia back to New York, and others going back to their homes, made me sad. Saying goodbye to you in the airpotr was a hard thing to do, cuz that's when it kicked in that this season was over. So now it's just me and Aarti here, continuing in our beach season, not as partners, but ats competitors. Ladies, I loved playing with you this year, you were a lot of fun, and I will miss you terribly. Thanks for your commitment, presence, skill, and love this year. I loved seeing you at the banquets and awards (that's a whole nother blog-will come soon, I promise). And I'll see you at training in a few weeks.

Well, now that I cought you up a bit with my vball, next blog will be about the awards and banquets, one of my fave parts of the year!
Love always,
Brittany, #5

Thursday, April 15, 2010

My Latest Interview

Long time no blog? So sorry, been busy latley, with the wedding only being one montha away! And ith play-off's, startinmg next Thursday in Seattle. So I'm a very busy person latley. And of coarse, right before play-off's I get injured. But you'll hear all about that in this blog, where I'm being interviewed today by a good friend of mine, Jenna Moore, from Penn. Enjoy :)

Play-off's are just around the corner, thing's are pretty heated right now between the team's, and we're ready to role, how's it feeling?
"Well, we're girls first of all, so we're gonna get heated (laughs), but um... I'm ready."

Now please share with me my dear, what is going on with the injuries on your team? First Aarti with a knee, Alycia with a wrist and now you with a shoulder, what's going on?
"I'd like to know that too actually, I kinda feel like the (Toronto) Raptors with all the injuries going on. It sucks, for sure it does, because you lose players and the team loses oppertunity. Aarti's coming back this week after a bit of a break due to a knee injury, and Alycia's had a bad wrist for a while now, so obviously we're hoping nothing serious is gonna happen, but it's not that big, so I'm confident."

And how about your right shoulder, when and how did this all happen?
"I'm honestly not sure. All I know is on Tuesday I was feeling a terrible pain everytime I would move my shoulder, so I go to practice that night and it's throbbing. Silly me, I practiced anyway, causing more pain. Plus we worked with medicine balls, so that was a mistake (laughs). But yeah, it was just a random pain, and now it's pretty bad."

What are your plans pn how to take care of it, hopefully being able to play in play-off's?
"Earlier this morning, I had an MRI done, because we knew it was an obvious torn tendon, so we needed to make sure nothing else was damaged. So I took a regular x-ray and now have the possibility of a fractured rotating cuff-it's complicated. I get the results Saturday, and I start rehab for a bit, and I'm positive I'll be able to play."

How do you feel, being captain, that the girls will do, and how they'll prepare for the worst?
"Nothing out of the ordinary, I mean, obviously we need to focus and bring our 'A' game to win and keep playing to reach our goal of winning. But it's the little thing's we need to focus on too, like our diets, our scheduale, our habbits, our sleep-every little thing in our lives right now need to be working on striving to that goal. And we'll do whatever it takes, thankfully we have dedicated girs willing to do that."

Are you a little worried about the jet-leg from the flight to Seattle?
"I am! Because we all have a long flight ahead of us, and we literally get off and drive to the stadium to play. The coaches get jet-legged a bit, some of us do, I most certainly do, so it'll be interesting how we take it."

One thing that your team seems to have a lot of with eachother that a lot of team's don't is patience. How did you guys become what you are now, as a team mentally?
"We are the way we are I guess. We most definatly have trust with eachother, and that's always a good thing, so with trust comes patience. Like you know if a ball is being placed in a certain spot and that person's not gonna get it, or 2 people are going for the same ball, you gotta trust eachother that someone's gonna step up and get taht ball. And if they don't, well they'll get it next time, you just gotta wait for them to make their mistakes and change them."

After the season ends for you guys, what's going to be happening as a team?
"The usual, the summer training, the beach teams, the trades, all of that stuff. And some of us are going on to a new team or taking a break, so it's how you make it. And then there's the personal changes."

Like what?
"Well Stephanie is taking a break to start her family, which I'm so thrilled about, um Paige is going back to the south to spend time at home with her family. Their all going home to spend time with their hubby's, and we're all growing up."

You miss Brittany have a wedding next month, congratulations!

So you've been dating him for a while now, and he was with you when you first got scouted for University, so what is it going to be like for you?
"Not really different. I mean, we still live like a normal couple, and we go on with our everyday lives. He's a teacher, so he goes and....teaches all day, and I play all day and some nights, so sports is always in the futre with us. (laughs)."

Any thaught on kids?
"Of coarse you would ask Jenna, oh my gosh, haha. Um-no we have not. We have our puppy Chloe as my baby now, so we'll wait a few years first before that step."

I love how you said "my baby"
"She kinda is, he baught me her for Christmas, so I guess you can say she is. So my summer is going to be us enjoying married life for a bit until we start training in August."

Are there any plans on moving teams?
"Nope. I've played on Toronto for 3 years, and will be for the next few years. I have a contract that I'm not breaking."

Your no strangers to offers though, back in your University days, you were origonally asked to play on..
"Phillidalphia, and I was so tepmted to play for them, but then an offer from Chicago came along and I sorta changed my mind a bit. Until Toronto suddenly offered, than I knew I had to play for them."

What in your mind made you want to stay in Toronto?
"My lifestyle made me stay. I had grown up here all my life, and had so much here that I couldn't possibly leave it behind. Like, I have a younger brother and sister who are still in elementary school and have some growing up to do, and I wanna see that. I want to make my family and myself proud for repreasenting the city I grew up in."

So your definatly not going on Boston?
"Gosh no! I love the city so much, go Red Sox, Celtics, but I'm not going. I just visit and pick up the accent."

That's another thing I wanted to talk to you about, is it weird for you to hear people say you have an accent because your Canadian?
"I'm used to it by now, I've been all arounf North America, and heard different one's myself. To tell you the truth, I actually love doing different accents, because I can pick up on them! So when we travel I always 'mock' the accent while we're there."

I do remember the popular New Jersey accent, I believe it was Stacey who showed me the video of you in the locker-room talking away, seems like you have a lot of fun.
"Yes I do, you gotta have fun when your doing something, otherwise it's boring."

You seem to somehow encourperate something fun with everthing you do, even if it's pissing people off with your partner in crime Jim...
"Ah Jim. We do do a lot of pranks on everybody."

Has there ever been a moment where it's gone too far, or where the tables have turned?
"Gone too far, no. But the tables have turned. I am the biggest chicken! And they love getting me back! Like April Fool's Day was the worst day ever because they all went crazy with the pranks, where I was smart and didn't get them at all. They hid my stuff, soaked them in the shower, um...put one of my bra's on the pole all practice, pop out and scare me-it's the popping and scaring me that I hate! Biggest chicken ever.....but I do get payback."

So karma's a bitch?
"Oh yes(laughs)"

But why wait for payback?
"Because they don't know where or when it's gonna happen. Nothing beats seeing their face after a ood prank."

What would you have to say is the best prank to pull?
"Um.....not sure, but one that I pull often is always classic. I always go to the front desk and ask for an extra key to a room. Then I sneak into the room and hide somewhere in the room. I might wait a bit until I pop out and then watch the crap themselves. (Laughs) Too funny!"

There you have it, a new prank to try from Brittany (laughs). Will they get in trouble?
"Nope, maybe just get hit,"

Love the sweet smile you just flashed, your actually very funny.
"Thanks. I really don't think I am, but people tell me."

Does it bother you what people say about you?
"Not really, I mean, I do take some words into consideration, so I do care for some words. Like all the negative bull crap, I don't care about. Positive thing's, I care for. But compliments to me mean so much. Like when people tell me that...they wish they could play like me...or that they like my leadership skills. To me, I find that so great that people care about how I'm like as a person. It's sweet!"

How do you take critisim?
"Um....from coaches I take it very well, and take it to consideration. But from other people in the audience or in a review, I shrug it off. Unless the words speak to me, then I'll think about it later."

To end thing's off, what would you like people to know?
"I would like you to know..... that Canadians are don't hate a book by it's cover and keep on rocking out."

Where's your typical line?
"This is what I say this moment like your last, let's go out and kick some ass!! And SUCK YEAH!!!! (laughs)"

Thanks for reading guys!! And I'm sorry if you started and stopped haha!! And remember to follow me on Twitter if you want: @TotalBlocksicle haha.

Love ya,
Brittany, #5

Friday, April 2, 2010

My History With NKOTB

Well, I think it's safe to say that this blog was long over due, sorry about the wait, been busy latley. On Twitter, all the blockheads have been tweeting about their nkotb stories, so I thaught, 'why don't I blog about em?' So now I am. haha.

When I was 3 years old, my cousin came over one day to babysit me, and braught these magazine's over to read when she's bored. Me being the curious kid I was, asked her about it. She explained to me who the New Kids On The Block were, she was heavily into Jordan Knight, at first she tried to trick me into loving him, but I wasn't that stupid. I thaught Donnie Wahlberg was where it was at.

So my cousin then gave me my first ever magazine, which I still have, and it was coverd with them. I was thinking, what's so good about them, until I heard them sing. It was hard to hear them sing at first, since my cousin couldn't resist herself from singing. But they were actually pretty good. A few months later I turned 4 and recieved a nkotb tape cassett.

Over their huge fame years, my room was litterally Donnie Wahlberg, you could've thaught he was actually there (I even had a lifesized poster!). They all were on my pillow, and my bed, and I had them everywhere. I would even play with them as barbies, it was good times making my and Donnie get married. When I saw them for the first time, I wore my nkotb jacket, and nkotb pj's, I fell asleep during the show-which was fine with me, cuz at least I got to see them.

As the group got older and made more mature music, my mom didn't want me to listen to them at all. Especailly when she saw the 'Dirty Dawg' video came out, haha.....yeah, she was not into the whole, 'bad boy' thing. Like the little rebel I was, I would somehow manage to still watch them. Sneaky, or at least I thaught I was. haha!

At age 9, 1994, when they broke up, it was like a huge part of me had died. They were the one's I watched on t.v., waited in line for hours to try to meet them, stayed up late to see them on an award or talk show show, the one's I listened to when I needed to feel like someone cared, they were my everything. When their the only thing you ever really loved in your life, how do you make a new love around that? I had nothing to really have fun with. All my friends were starting to move on from childish things and growing up fast, while I was still stuck on the break up.

Once 1999 came around, all the girls had moved on from the new kids, it was like they didn't even happen. Everyone was focused on the backstreet boys and n*sync. Instead of 'I'll Be Loving You Forever', it was 'I Want It That Way'. Instead of 'If You Go Away' it was 'Bye, bye bye'. Then you throw the Spice Girls in there, woo! you got something to talk about!

Thankfully, the year of 1999 crap was turned better when Jordan Knight became a solo artist! That album was my savior from all the crap they were playing. This time, I was in grade 8, and could actually see his video and listen to his songs. His voice came back, beautifully and better than ever, since he didn't sound like a chipmunk on the cd. Then Joey's cd.....boy did I break that one. I loved his solo work, and still do!!

Nothing beats the memory of hearing the news that nkotb were back. It was a moment where my heart sank so low into my stomach, and will never forget the feeling. I immediately called all of my blockhead friends and let them know what was up, it was obvious that we were going to there concert.

September 18 2008, the concert. The concert itself was nerve wracking! Waiting in the crowd for the loves of your childhood to come out and start something new. The anticipation of seeing them and hearing them again was so surreal. When those lights turned off the screams coming from these girls made me remember my first concert way back when I was 4 years old! A sound I missed, just like Donnie.

The concert was fantastic, I was off my feet the whole time, singing and dancing with my aunts, sister, mom and cousins who came that night. Then later that week I saw them again with my girls, and it was the same feeling! We all had a great time and couldn’t wait for more! And of coarse, arriving home, I had to tell Ryan about everything that had happened. He told me I was such a kid, and I know I was. He was one of those jealous guys that wanted to punch them in the face because they had it all, just like my friends back in school.

I saw nkotb a few times that year, and the same feeling came rushing back, all those emotions through out those nights. I remember crying during the Full Service tour, hearing Valentine Girl, and If You Go Away. I literally have no idea why, but it was still a moment I’ll never forget. Or being so close to Facetime, then the security was like, “okay, you guys gotta go” That security made 50 girls very upset that night, eh it happens lol.

Regardless, because of the new kids on the block, I have had so many memories, and made so many friendships, in person, and through Twitter. One day I am convinced that I will finally get a chance to meet you guys, and I can’t wait until that day comes! If it wasn’t for them, my childhood wouldn’t have been made properly. I still have all the merchandise, I still have your cassettes, and I still pretend that we’re married *Donnie*. I’ve been telling people we are all my life, so why would I stop now? Haha!

Thanks for the lifetime of memories that I’ll never forget. I still have so many more, but I couldn’t really fit it all in in this blog, I gotta stop now, gotta get back to working, blog ya later!!! Oh and you can follow me on Twitter: @TotalBlocksicle, haha just had to put that in there. :P,

Brittany, #5

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Relay For Life

Hey readers, how are ya? So over the past week, the lovely ladies in my family have decided that we are going to participate in The Relay For Life, for cancer research. I am super excited about participating and can't wait until June 25th! There's 10 of us on the team and I hope we reach our team goal of $1, 000!

First member is my mom Linda, she lost her father, her sister, her grandfather and 2 aunts to cancer and has already made $200 towards our goal! Then there's my mom's sister's Susan, and Maureen. My aunt Sue did it last year and made over $200 herself and raised over $1000 for her team, who she ditched because she loves us more ;). My aunt Maureen is joining aswell, and bringing her daughter Miranda along to beat the cure.

My mom's 3 closest cousins are joining to beat the terrible disease, they lost an uncle, an aunt and their own mother (at a young age). Auntie Chris is kicking butt and has also beat her personal goal. My aunt Judy is coming and bringing her daughter Melissa (21) to conquer, and are half way to their personal goal. Finally, my God mother/aunt Carol, she just celebrated her birthday on Mon and got a ton of money already lol.

I am more than confident that we'll beat the Team Goal and beat our personal goals and raise money. I lost the greatest people I know to cancer and wish that they were still here. I'm dedicating my walk to my aunt Karen, who passed of stomch cancer 1 week after my birthday. I'm also dedicating it to my grandpa, who battled cancer for 8-9 years! (I found out when they couldn't do anything to help him).

Right now I know 2 amazing ladies who are battling breast cancer at the moment. Their not in the best of shape and I'm hoping that they beat it! One I've known for maybe 12 years and the other I met a few months ago but have grown so close to her. Can't imagine what your going through ladies, and want nothing but the best for you. Your a great insparation to me and to a bunch of others.

If you are interseted in joing with a team of 10, google relay for life-sorry I don't have the link. You know, I'll just post the link next time lol. My bad. It's time for me to go reflecton my games over the past few days, I'll blog about em later-coach says, but might not happen. Love ya lots!!!

Brittany, #5

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Over the past week, I have had a milion emotions running through my mind. On Tuesday, I received some very sad news, and I'm not gonna blog about it, sorry guys. I was crushed to hear the news, but all things happen for a reason, and it might be for the best (though I hate to say it). I spent the beginning of the week crying, and sobbing about the little things.

Not only was Tuesday emotional, I had a huge rivalry game that night, and we HAD to win. (I'm competitive and hate losing lol.) Usually before a game-I gotta be in the zone kinda, and I was a wreck. Being a rivalry game, I was already upset about seeing some people I already dont like, thankfully we kicked butt and won!! A huge pick-me-up!!

As the week got better and better, so did my attitude about everything. Having to tell my loved one's, and close friends was very hard. It wasn't until hearing the nice, kind, caring, strengthining, and heart warming words people had to tell me, I really knew how many people cared.

There was the countless amount of hugs and kisses, and amazing sayings. The number one thing that every single person told me was: everything happens for a reason. And I believe in that. It was a week of overwelming love and I thank every single person that had helped me and showed me love this week, I love you.

You guys are amazing people and I love you so much! You guys helped out a ton and truley made me feel blessed to have people in my life as great as you! I'm welting up in tears okay. Your support has been amazing, just like our talks together. I hope we can always stay this close!!

Anyway, gotta get started on something else, blog again soon, love you and thanks,

Brittany, #5

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Random Things

Sup readers! Ok so this morning I was reading my emails and I had one that was about your interests or your personality. Much better than the stupid Playtex Spot Tampon emails I get...ugh. So anyway....I'm very bored and I'm gonna post my answers, just because I want to lol.
Okay so yeah, have fun reading about me-again.

When are you.....Ugly: Depends on my day/Quiet: not a lot-but when I’m tired/Loud: all the time!!/Shy: never/Weird: most of the time/Selfish: never/Crazy: always ;)/Hot: whenever you think I am sexy ;)/Cute: I don’t know/Pretty: I don’t know/Sexy: always ;) (nope)/Nice: always/Mean: rub me the wrong way or give me attitude and say hello to other Brittany lol./Immature: sometimes/Rude: never/Cool: always :)/Brat: nope/Stupid: all the time!!/Caring: All the time/Mature: most the time/A Friend: always./More than a friend: to the one guy I’m with/

Talkative: HAVE YOU MET ME? Lol./Boring: depends on your personality/Beauitful: depends/Smart: At times, when I’m well educated in that subject lol/A Flirt: I don’t know/Fun to hang out with: ask the people I hang out with/Phyco: nope/Athletic: I guess so (my profession should answer that)/Confusing: sometimes /Sweet: most of the time/Gets Mood Swings: yup- especially at practice lol/Attractive: depends on who you are/Annoying: sometimes-when I’m hyper or tired/Funny: People say I am. /Hyper: YES/Laid Back: totally/Perfect: HA-NO!! Nobody’s perfect!

So then, I get an email that I always get called the Friends Survey. Personally, I always find the responses by everyone else so much fun to read, so I love this email. It just gets annoying when you get it a million times. So this is my reponse:

What's your full -name? Brittany Joanna C…. (It's a greek last name) What are you afraid of? A lot of things lol What is the most recent movie that you have seen? Dear John Place of birth? Ajax/Pickering Hospital-moved to downtown later on in life. Favorite food? PASTA!!! whats your natural hair colour? Reddish brown with Black underneath and blonde highlights

Ever been a Neat Freak? With some things lol What colour are your eyes? Blue! Ever been skinny dipping? Does being a baby count? lol How tall are you? 5’4 and a bit :D Love someone so much it made you cry? ….. If you could ask God a question, what would it be? Can you please bring my loved one’s that passed to life again?

Been in a car accident? Yupp-on my way back to York U Weird topping? Cheese and Ketchup on my pasta!! Croutons or bacon bits? croutons Biggest idiot you know? ME!! Favorite Day of the Week? Friday or Saturday Favorite Restaurant? Moose Wonooskies Favorite Flower? red rose. Weirdest crush? Dane Cook or this druggie that went to my highschool. What’s your take on alcohol? It’s yucky!! But does seem to help people look fancy and look like idiots.

Favorite drink? Milk Favorite Ice Cream? Triple chocolate Brownie Fudge (am I spacific or what?) If you could switch bodies with one person, who would it be? The wife of one of my famous celeb crushes lol! Warner Brothers or Disney? Disney-need you ask? lol Ever been on a ship? Yupp-even tho I hate them Coolest person you met? My mom!! What color is your bedroom carpet? Shades of Brown in stripes If you were a re-incarnation of somebody, who would you be? My aunt Karen, everybody says so

How many times did you fail your driver's test? Never!! Thank God!! lol Something you will never do? DRUGS!! Never ever! Before this one, from whom did you get your last e-mail? My coach asking about my next doctors app. A goal that won’t be beaten? To live forever What do you do when you are bored ? Computer & workout Bedtime? Uhh …when I’m tired-or 10 pm when I have a game the next day Favorite Television Shows? Friends, 2 and A Half Men, Entourage, TMZ-(I’m a loser) lol. And more!!

Last person you went to lunch with? Sabrina and Krysten Park or Zoo? Both :P Favorite color? Red, green or yellow How many tattoos do you have? 0!! I'm too chicken to get one! How many pets do you have? 1 puppy and a ton of fish lol Then Ryan has a cat who I dispise! Which came first, the chicken or the egg? Why must you ask again? What do you want to do before you die? Become a mommy Have you ever been to Hawaii? Nope I want to tho!!

Have you been to countries outside the U.S.? Yes-I live in one!! lol Ever in the Armed Services? Nope but some family is. If you could name your child any name, what would it be? I love the name Trevor or Jordan for a boy. For a girl, Kailey Elizabeth or Ella Rae Karen (Karen, after my aunt) Fan of rollercoasters? YES!! Scary movies? NO!! Do you like your job? Love it!!

Well thanks for putting up with my bordom, and terrible spelling. I'll blog soon, promise. But now I gotta go prepare for a party I'm throwing for my cousin, who's visiting from Newfoundland with her hubby and new baby. So all my family is coming over, and Ryan is sick, getting germs everywhere. So he's on bedrest, and is sleeping (and snoring!) Poor guy has a stuffy nose. Lol. I'm leaving you with a pic of Chloe. Later readers.

Brittany, #5

Monday, February 8, 2010


Sup readers, what’s up? What’s poppin? What’s crackalackin? Okay, I know what your thinking, ‘I get, go on with the blog’, so now I am. So today, I’m going to tell you about the person who means the most to me, as of right now, Ryan. See, I wasn’t lying when I said in my last blog about the, “I’ll tell you next blog” thing. I’m smarticles at remembering the little stuff.

So I met Ryan way back in 2002, when I was at the tender age of 17 and he was 19. I was still playing volleyball and about to graduate when our rep coach needed a ‘player trainer’. What that is, is someone who practices and trains a player individually, mainly a player who is at a higher level. They do warm up’s with you, they stretch you, they train you in skills, and they basically do what you need to do to get better. So he was mine.

I go to know him very well through-out that season, I really got to know him. He was in University for teaching, specializing in phys. Ed and English. So he took his spare time to help me out. Not gonna lie, I did kinda like him at that point, typical teenager. He also looked like Joey McIntyre, which did help a bit, but not too much. *Wink*. I think that he thought that I was some kind of little kid who he had no interest in, like those typical older men. By the end of the season we had gained a great relationship as friends, then came his girlfriend.

I was crushed when they started to date, especially when he would come and bring her along to practice and get distracted looking at her. Made me so mad. I’ll never forget at one practice where we were working on our Cardio, and we were taking a run. Usually we wore our sports bra’s when running, and put a shirt on when we’d play. So we were running side by side and his girlfriend was getting pissed. We were talking, as we usually did, and what not. By the time we finished she came up to him and had a lovely chat. She asked him why he was constantly looking at my chest as I ran, making my spit out my water a bit, and blush like crazy. It felt good to know that he liked something about me other then me as a person. (I was 17 and hormones had the best of me okay?)

Let’s just say that it didn’t end well, and my coach got a little nervous. The last time I saw him was at the ‘End of Year Banquet’. We sat at the table together with the team, we congratulated each other and thanked each other, and I didn’t see him since. The next year I went to University, with a new life, and didn’t really know anyone there. That summer I entered the beach league with my partner, Laura, one of my good friends by the way. So we’re at Q Beach in downtown Toronto for this tournament, and I saw him at the beach with his friend, checking out the game.

It was weird seeing him, since I hadn’t seen him in a year, and it was so random. The next night we went to dinner, chilled just as friends. I learned about how much his life had changed since I had seen him last. Then, in the beginning of my second year of University, we realized we both went to the same school, so we hung out a lot more. Finally we started dating in 2006. Then in October 2009, he asked me to marry him at dinner one night.

At that point he had been hanging out with one of my friends that he had actually liked a few years back, and he said he wanted to go to dinner to talk. So here I’m thinking that he’s gonna break up with me, boy was I off. So we’re at the restaurant and he gets talking about my grandpa, since he had passed in June, 2008. So we went to visit him, and at the place he’s buried at has a little pond full of fish, it’s called the memory garden. So we’re sitting on a bench we dedicated to him, and he spills his heart out to me. Then he asked me to marry him-that’s when I bawled.

The best part was that my grandpa really liked him and said that he could see us together, and that he was the one. He was right. And when he passed away, I was a wreck and lost with out him, because we were so close. He had battled cancer for 7-8 years, and he really wanted to live my life with me, and dance with me at my wedding. It was very fitting for him to ask me there infront of him and on a bench we dedicated to him. Ryan knew how much it meant to me, and I’m glad that he understands that. (Wow, I’m crying now).

I have a big family, with all the aunts and uncles, but he really does, and they mean the world to him. He’s the youngest of 9 kids, to Thomas and Ellen. He has his sister Judy, her husband Ken and their daughters Kayla (9) and Jamie (6). His sister Jean, her husband Paul, and their son Josh (8). Sister Megan, husband Andrew, their kids Nick (7) and Jenna (4). Sister Carol, and husband Dwayne, their twins Isabella and Macey (5). His sister Kate, and husband Matt, their kids Hunter (6) and Hailey (3). Mary, and Mike, they are expecting a baby any day now actually!! And his brother Tommy and his new wife Kelsey, who got married in July. See what I’m marrying into? Lol, no offense, I love you guys!!

So I can tell that we’re gonna have a good life together full of family and friends. While I’m on that note… I’m just gonna talk about the Bridal Party for a sec. His groomsmen are his friend’s Steve, Ryan, Sean, and groomsman is his brother Tommy. My maid’s are my sister Nicole, my friends Lesley and Kally, my maid of honor is Katie, my soul sister! Known her since grade 4. Love her to death. Our ring barer is his nephew Hunter and flower girl is my cousin Emma. (I’ll explain how that works later).

Well, my hands are sore and I’m pretty much done. Ryan Is now a English/male phys ed teacher, he actually has my cousin in an English class. That is too funny and awkward. So that’s really it for now, can’t wait until the wedding-MAY 15th!!! Letting you know now, so you know. Didn’t make any sense-whatever! So I’m gonna go, and leave you now. Thanks for reading, and have a great day!!

Brittany (#5)

Sunday, February 7, 2010


Hi readers, my name is Brittany. I'm from Toronto, Ontario Canada, and I play pro volleyball. The whole purpose of this blog is just for anyone who wants to know about who I am, and what I'm like. So in this blog-my very first one (might I add), I'll be telling you about my background. Me personally, I'd like to know about the person who's life I'm reading about before I learn More about them. So here is goes: Um, I am 24 years old, born on October 29th, 1985. I am the oldest of three kids, Nicole, 13, and Alex, 10. My mom had my little sister Nicole when I was 11, and my brother was born when I was 14. I was very mature for my age, my guessing is because I was already into boys when I was 3 or 4. Convinced that I would marry Donnie Wahlberg, I still am. (All thanks to my older cousin Ashley).

I started playing on a volleyball team in grade 5, where I had the best coach in the world. He taught me everything I needed to know in volleyball, and in life. He is one great guy, and I still talk to him to this day. I give big props to Mr. Krane. Then I met my role model in grade 6, she was my teacher and new vball coach, love her to death. Honestly, she was the one who kept me a good person for my rough years. (I was a total Tom boy and rebelled a lot). So if it wasn't for her, I would've been suspended a lot for fights. (Did I mention I idolized bad boy Mark Wahlberg too)?When I was in 11 years old, I tried out for my first rep volleyball team, and made starting line. Granted, I turned 12 the next month, and was playing 13U. I continued to play throughout high school, and rep. Making team captain for both teams.

As I got to age 17, I was finally in grade 12, and ready for a change. During that rep/school season, I was scouted for a university team. (Scholarship baby!!) There, I played power hitter, still being super short, and moved to Libero. I played with them for all 4 years, majoring in Broadcasting. It is one of m dreams to be a talk show host, or to have my own radio station show. Everyone can tell you that I talk too much, I have the gift of the gab. After university, I was unable to move up in my volleyball level, due to my height. Hey-when your 5'4 and you play volleyball, thing's don't always work out. Not gonna lie, but I was crushed when they told me that I was too short, there's nothing you can do to change that. Right before graduation, all my 6 foot tall friends were getting ready for the National Team tryouts, lucky tall people. (The National team is one step below the Olympic level).

Instead of National team tryouts I had planned on trying out for a professional team. So I did, and actually made it! The team was so talented and tall, but none of them could really jump (sorry girls) so the coach took me, I have a good 8 inch vertical jump. I resume playing power or libero, and took the spot of team captain again. (I seriously don't know why I'm always selected). I'm also starting my second season this year. Now I'm playing with 9 of the most amazing ladies in the world! I love you: Kim, Shrimpy, Kally, Alycia, Nicole, Stacey, Piage, Stephanie and Megan!! I call them my old farts, cuz their all older than me too. HAHA! Right now I'm super busy planning my wedding with Ryan, (next blog). So that's really what you need to know, if you have any questions for me, you can tweet me, I'm known as @TotalBlocksicle. Or you can talk to me-I'm good with that, remember? I'm a twitterholic so you'll be sure to reach me there. lol. Thanks for reading, I'll post again soon.

Peace, Love & Rock 'n' Roll,

Brittany #5